A “Disney Way” Customer-Centric Culture in Local Government?

As a consultant, I have worked with numerous local governments who are seeking to achieve a “Disney Way” customer-centric culture. Walt Disney once said, “The city of tomorrow ought to be a city that caters to the people as a service function.” PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), an internationally acclaimed professional services firm, suggests five drivers for the … Read more

Walt Disney Inspires us to Dream…So Open a Dream Room!

Walt Disney once said, “We allow no geniuses around our studio.” He inspired his coworkers to dream, and he believed that everyone was creative. Our favorite way to capture some “Disney magic” from an entire organization by championing a Dream Room. You can begin by selecting a vacant office or small conference room that may be used for … Read more

How to Fully “Engage” Your Customers

The benefits of fully “engaged” customers are well documented. We wrote about them in The Disney Way 3e. For years, the Gallup organization has been tracking the effects of customer engagement on a daily basis. They report that a fully engaged customer represents a 23% premium in terms of market share, revenue and relationship growth. … Read more

Interview with Austan Lundeen

Austan Lundeen, Communications Student at the University of Minnesota, Duluth interviews Bill Capodagli: What form of education did you need to prepare you for your consulting career? My degrees are in Economics and Mathematics.  These have been very helpful with the technical part of our consulting practice – helping clients with measurement, statistical process controls … Read more

The Walt Disney Company – Still a Benchmark for Excellence

Like all organizations, The Walt Disney Company makes mistakes. Had the management listened more attentively to Cast Members’ reports of Guests feeding the ducks and alligators in the Seven Seas Lagoon, perhaps the tragic death of 2-year old Lane Graves could have been prevented. Yet, for over 40 years, there has never been an incident … Read more